Multi Piece Front splitter and Side-skirts


3 Piece Front Splitter

This modular setup looks identical to the 1 piece splitters. There are currently 3 style to choose from (V1,V1.5,V3). These modular splitters make it possible to ship to international accounts. The modular pieces also make it possible to replace damaged sections of the splitter.

Domestic accounts will also benefit from lower transit costs as the box used to ship a 3pc splitter is significantly smaller than the standard 1pc splitter.

All modular splitter will include the bolt-on VM fins and hardware.

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The setup looks identical to the current 1 piece setup. These modular side skirts make it possible to ship to international accounts. The modular pieces also make it possible to replace damaged sections of the skirts. 

2 VM bolt-on fins are also included with the 4 piece modular side-skirt extensions.